Customer feedback is an essential component to growing and improving a business.
Developing and sending customer satisfaction surveys is one of the most efficient strategies for capturing customer feedback. A fundamental element to this strategy is to start to think about all different aspects of your business that a customer could experience, from beginning to end.
What areas should be addressed in your survey, and when is the right moment to send the survey requests out? We call this moment the "Moment of Truth".
This ideology isn’t as dramatic as it sounds, but it IS a key element to consider when putting together a customer satisfaction survey. Every customer has a journey. And on this journey, they will have three Moments of Truth1
These Moments of Truth are typically the most telling. It is best practice to send your survey to the customer soon after the last encounter, while their overall experience is still fresh in their mind.
Thinking of all different kind of encounters that your client has with your business are areas in which survey questions can be designed. What is their initial impression of your business and products? Did your customer have a leisurely and enjoyable experience navigating your website, shop, or show room? Were they able to find exactly what they needed? Are they satisfied with the product after putting it to use?
Also, be mindful of the "gap" areas that occur in your business. Will there be a lag time between when your client purchased a service or product, and if so, did you continue to provide them with meaningful updates during this time? If a key employee, they had been working with, left your company – how do you quickly shift to Plan B so the high level of customer service that your client had been experiencing doesn’t fall through the cracks - resulting in your client leaving also? All of these areas that have been discussed can have a major impact on the perception your customer has of you and your business.
At eAutoFeedback, we know that building a valuable survey, in the best way, at the perfect time is no small feat. Our team of survey experts want to partner with your business to customize and strategize your survey tactics to yield the data you need to grow.
1 Shep Hyken,
"The New Moment of Truth in Business", Forbes, April 9, 2016
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